Monday, February 28, 2022


how foolish we thought

we felt so retro

that war was


a thing

an ancient artifact

a boomer anecdote

a cold memory

a hot flash

war so old-fashioned

framed out of history

texts and rubble

sepia photos

black and white

either or

infants' limbs

family shrapnel

silent shards

blood so loud

we thought

that was all over

war and peace

a novel idea

it was just beginning

the recurring nightmare

an endless loop

a rosary of mercy

we need

and want 

a garland of roses

we pray



we beg for



in our time

this now

this time

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

cancel culture

cancel culture

as in what


such as it is

or was

or will be

world without end

canceled check

balance overdue

canceled cells

cancered sells

checks in the mail

chain mail

ancient artifacts

like paper

and facts


cc: blind copies

can-can culture

no can do

yes we can

bel canto



ad infinitum

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

rearview solstice

they said it was the shortest day not a D-Day but a December diurnal one a solstice they said something about the sun earth nexus something about the failing light flailing to find itself on the upswing stretching out the light the definition of day and now I am flailing to see that in my February-drenched rearview mirror the one with the solstice memory the one with the solstice promise winking at me the driver me the one masquerading as something someone whose name escapes me

Sunday, February 06, 2022

The Nicene Creed

nice not the first thought

nicene being

its adjective twin

yet nicene enough

insense and all

maker of all things 

of all that is

seen and unseen

(that infinite comma up there)

think about it 

all that is

both seen and unseen

shrouded by skin

shaped by veins

eternally begotten

not made

faith more than creed

creed more than doubt

a twig

to stand on

seen not seen

felt not felt

in time




Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Anything's Possible

except I hate absolutes

or is it fear

any thing

solid liquid air






anything be possible

including me

or you

excluding no one

anything's possible

it's been said

so I've been told

even this

these words

bursting into

nothing's impossible

kingdom queendom


worlds without end

in thralldom

Words, and Then Some

Too many fled Spillways mouths Oceans swill May flies Swamped Too many words Enough   Said it all Spoke too much Tongue tied Talons claws sy...